Bootheel Tractor Parts wants you to be happy with your purchase. If you purchased the wrong item or are unhappy with the item you received you can return it within a 1 year period from Invoice Date for full refund (minus your original shipping & handling charges) or ask for a replacement. Prior approval is required for all returns and replacements. For approval or questions regarding returns, please contact us at 800-688-0405. For full credit the part must be returned to Bootheel Tractor Parts, Inc in the same condition it was received. If there is a core charge assessed on the original purchase a credit will be issued for the core when the unit is returned within 90 days.
- Customer Ordered Wrong/Customer Didn’t Need
- 0-90 days: No refund of S&H
- Over 90 days: 10% restocking fee & no refund of S&H
- Code restocking fee to RSTK as a positive number
- Credit part for full amount of original invoice
- Bad/Wrong
- Over 120 Days: 10% Restocking fee, no refund of S&H
Send all returns and cores to:
Bootheel Tractor Parts, Inc.
725 E Washington
East Prairie, MO 63845